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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Hi Eddie,Sorry I didn't send you e mail right away I'm so busy and exhausted preparing for the chinese new year.By the way the pup stays with me for three days and after that we send to the monk my husband quite worry if he stays longer i might not give it to him.I like him so much he's so...

Friendly Hello,I am enclosing a photo of Chance. He is doing wonderful. We took him to his first adult dog show. He took 1st place, BOB (best of breed) and Best Male. He has a total of 25 points towards his conformation Championship.If you could email the breeder his photo I would appreciate it. You are more than welcome to...

Dear Lasheika, Leo is the most beautiful dog I’ve ever seen. I can’t believe he’s 1 already! Please enjoy the photos and video attached.

Hi Eddie!!Thank you very much for sending us such a wonderful puppy, and for being so helpful in the process!! We love Diesel so much and we don't know what we'd do without her in our lives!! She is fun loving and well mannered...a perfect addition to our family!We will continue to pass the Euro Puppy name on to those...

Marleen Padilla

Hong Kong, China

Kelly Mollitor

Lawton, United States

Zain Al-Qadi

Amman, Jordan

Judith & Fraser Clair

Ontario, Canada