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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Hi Eddie,I am so delighted to have Tabasco the French Bulldog that I purchased from you last year in Nov, now named Max as he is 1 year and three weeks old. He is just beautiful, a treat to be with. Thank you again for the wonderful transaction and a truly wonderful dog. Attached is a photo of him. Thanks...

Hey Eddie, Thank you again for Malcolm he got here last night and he seems to be adjusting just fine. we took some pictures last night when he got here. We would keep sending pictures as he gets older. Ana, Bann, Germany

Hi Eddie,I just wanted to let you know that we have Choopy. You were right; she is sooo much better in person!!!!We took her to the vet today and he seems to think shes just fine health wise, I did find one flea on her but all seems fine now. She is eating her first meal at home and is...

Hi Steve! Felix is so cute and all family like him. It's a good and joyful boy. I will send you some pictures. Thank you for everything.

Clare Ohland

Bayville, United States

Ana Hernandez

Bann, Germany

Daiana & Rob Sioui

Calgary, Canada

Kyoko Schmid

Cointrin, Switzerland