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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Hi eddie, Thank you so much shes here Fajer

Eddie, Here is wishing you and your loved ones all the very best for 2012 and onwards. I have also attached a long overdue picture of Eris and my family ( taken a month ago ) , Best regards Detlef, Dubai, UAE

Hi Eddie, am writing to say that me and my family are very happy with our dog :)We changed her name from London to Duffy and she is just the friendliest dog I have ever had. She loves my kids ,are very playful and are a very healthy and happy english bulldog. My husband did not know if he liked...

Hi Shane, Gascon, who we renamed "Woody" is really well. He spends the winter days sleeping in front of the fire. Here's a photo of him helping me to open my birthday cards and presents a few days ago. Best regards Kim

Fajer Al sayegh

Kuwait City, Kuwait


Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Siri Pettersen

Rogaland, Norway

Kimmie Walker

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates