Basenji en venta

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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

hello. Hanbie is super happy dog, especially now having new friend. She loves playing Frisbee :)

Dear Shane I would like to thank you for giving Us Maxino as an amazing character , so loving , so intelligent , very playful ..Today he is 5 years old , but the sad part is years pass by so quick , wish dogs lived longer ? :( so today my ultimate wishes for my Maximo is that he...

Hi Eddie, I just wanted to share an awesome picture of KONG and my daughter. He sure is the man of the house! I hope you like it. Sincerely, Tina Crowley

Dear Eddie, I thought I would send you a photo of Clover (now named Oscar) settling into his new home in Dubai. Best regards, Kristen Kristen Angus Associate Abu Dhabi, UAEEddie Just to let you know Kristen has been to the vet with Clover this morning (now called Oscar by the way!). The vet has given him a clean bill...

Moon Lee

Seoul, South Korea

Neda Hayfawi

Amman, Jordan

Tina Crowley

Philadelphia, United States

Kristen & Chris Angus

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Acerca de Basenji Raza

Basenji, nicknamed as the Barkless Dog, is a muscular, elegant and athletic hunting dog from Africa. Its name means “Bush thing” in Swahili. The Basenji hunts by both sight and scent. It is known as the African Barkless dog, the Basenji never barks but does have a lot of other unusual vocalizations.

It may yodel, howl, growl or crow, depending on its mood. The Basenji is roughly the size of a fox terrier. Its tail curls off to one side of its muscular thighs. The breed has a distinctive, trotting horse-like running gait. The Basenji is alert, affectionate, demanding, energetic and curious.

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