Boston Terrier en venta

¡Con Su Criador, Esperando Por Ti!

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Lo sentimos, por el momento tenemos disponibles Boston Terrier a la venta

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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Hi Eddie, Its Jenny. Tux made it safe and sound. He is adorable, and such a good boy, I wish we could afford his brother Baltasar too. He already did his no. 2 outside! Paul was great, I feel bad for him with his long trip, wanted to give him some lunch and coffee but he had 3 more pups...

Hello! Pablo is doing excellent! I love him so much. He’s really the best. Super energetic, very playful. Everyone in fact labels him “The dog that’s always happy.” Abdallah

Thank you so much for bringing this joy to us. We decided to call her Whiskey 😀 finally. And we must say she is a bundle of joy . We enjoy each and every single moment with her. She is an adorable cutie pie with full of life. Attached here are some images of hers and surely will send you...

Hi Eddie,I wanted to provide you with an update on Xander. He is turning 6 months old on August 11th and currently weighs 102 lbs. He is the most stunning animal I have ever seen or owned for that matter. His personality is to die for... outgoing yet laid back, protective yet friendly, a beast in size yet very gentle....

Jennifer & Francois Methot

Krefeld, Germany

Abdallah Bacha

Salmiya, Kuwait

Jofil Thekkekara

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Kelley Johnson

Groton, United States

Acerca de Terrier de Boston Raza

The Boston Terrier is a gentle, friendly, lively, highly intelligent dog. It is a smooth coated, short-headed, compactly built, short-tailed, well-muscled, well-balanced dog breed. The breed has an excellent disposition.

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