Cane Corso en venta

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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

As I promised I wanted to send you pictures of Dayan. We call her Amica Dayana. She is really happy and loves her playmate/sister, Seanna. She is a wonderful dog and love having her as an addition to our family. Thank you,Stephanie & Mike Weaver

Hi Eddie,We got our Cane Corso puppy on the night of 22nd July 2010, after he had a long flight. He is a great looking pup and very playful. My kid and he are playing like buddies although he's been with us for only a day. We didn't expect him to be so big at just 10 weeks, he going...

Hello Eddie, I'm forwarding a photo of the puppy formally known as Caligulla; his new name is Sniper. Please tell the breeder that Sniper is doing well and is a delightful, loving puppy. For mothers day he gave me a wonderful present, while petting him he peed on my right foot and as a thank you for a special meal,...

Hello Eddie, Just want to forward some photos of Sniper; please forward them to the breeder. Sniper is a wonderful dog, he has a good heart and is very intelligent. He weights 120 lbs. & is 24 inches at the withers; although he's a big dog, he's graceful and thinks he's a puppy. He is a wonderful companion. Rebecca Christensen

Stephanie Weaver

Aviano, Italy

Akshat Lakhera

Mumbai, India

Rebecca Christensen

Oklahoma, United States

Hans Christensen

Dallas, United States

Acerca de Cane Corso Raza

The Cane Corso Italiano is a medium-big size powerful dog; it is strongly built but elegant, very distinguished, expresses strength, agility and endurance.

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