Caniche Miniatura en venta

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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Hi Steve! Just wanted to let you know that everything went well and Jett is happy to be with us and slept well almost all night. We are visiting the vet in a few hours. Thanks you guys for making this work out so easy for us. Regards Kristin & Javier

Hi Eddie, am writing to say that me and my family are very happy with our dog :)We changed her name from London to Duffy and she is just the friendliest dog I have ever had. She loves my kids ,are very playful and are a very healthy and happy english bulldog. My husband did not know if he liked...

Hi Shane, Lovely to hear from you again! Frodo has finally moved out from sandy Qatar and is now in our home country in Jakarta, Indonesia and he is having the time of his life exploring all the new smells :) Here are a few pictures and videos of Frodo from this year. You'd be happy to hear that he...

Hi Tibor Our puppy made it safely. He's had a good first day although he's tired from the travel. I've added a few photos. Daniel

Kristin Elin Ulrika Bäck

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Siri Pettersen

Rogaland, Norway

Raymond Sundramurti

Jarkata, Indonesia

Daniel Nelson

Oman, Oman

Acerca de Caniche Miniatura Raza

A good Poodle has a square silhouette, with approximately the same length as the height at the withers. This breed was used as a gun dog and originally was used in Germany and France as a retriever of waterfowl. It is very amusing and clever. Its innate showmanship, made the Poodle into an excellent circus performer.

Conoce más acerca de ésta raza