Labradoodle en venta

¡Con Su Criador, Esperando Por Ti!

Elige entre 2 Labradoodle disponibles

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Lo sentimos, por el momento tenemos disponibles Labradoodle a la venta

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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Hello, Abril is such a sweet and smart dog! She loves to snuggle and is really active! I send you photos of her with her new brother Popper (Lucca)

Hello! Thanks for your greetings! The Birthday girl is residing in Moscow at the moment and is lively, energetic doggy, as she always was. She likes to model. She has her minpin brother who is older and one younger, but big rescue pup to keep her company. She is a character: manipulating people, who are vulnerable to cuteness and bossing...

Hello Eddie,Wanted to let you know her Health Exam went well. She is just fine.Please thank the breeder again for taking such great care of her.Daniel,

Hi Eddie, here are some photos of Jake, he is a great dog with a wonderful personality. He brings a lot of joy to our family and loves to chew things up, so toys are popular here if you wanna keep your shoes, have a great day Scott Crosby. Orlando, FL USA

Laura Garces

Bogota , Columbia

Ekaterina Turnebef

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Daniel Ibarra

Inglewood, United States

Scott Crosby

Orlando, United States

Acerca de Labradoodle Raza

The Labradoodle has boomed dramatically in popularity in recent years. A cross between a Labrador and a Poodle, they can come in a range of sizes, from miniature to medium sized. They also appear in a range of coat types, and most are considered reasonably hypoallergenic, one of the originally reasons for this dogs creation.

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