Pastor Belga Malinois en venta

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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Hi Shane I passed your birthday wishes to Rambo who seemed surprised yet very pleased. Since he became part of my family, Rambo has lived in Iraq, Lebanon, Switzerland, North Korea, Russia and he is currently residing in Turkey. He is a strong and beautiful boy, with a great sense of humour and definitely the joy of my life! He...

Hi Steve, Just letting you know that Jake is one year old now and growing up fast. Thanks for your help. Thought we would share a recent picture of him with you. Regards, Moin

I couldn’t be happier with Léon. He is an amazing dog - and has been my perfect companion since day one. He was very shaken from the long journey from Hungary to the UK. But within 5 minutes of him arriving at my house, he had made himself at home and immediately felt at ease. He has the perfect temperament...

Hello Eddie,Here is max, in his first competition and with only two weeks of training he won best puppy in the Terrier & Schnauzer division and received 3rd place in Best Puppy in Show.Here he is with his trainer. He received excellent ratings from a specialized international judge.Max is more than a pet in the house. he sleeps in our...

Olga Prorovskaya

Iraq, Iraq

Moin Ghani

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Andrew Harris

London, United Kingdom

Ramiro Ortiz Gurdian

Managua, Nicaragua

Acerca de Pastor Belga Malinois Raza

The Belgian Malinois or Belgian Shepherd Dog is a very intelligent, lively breed excelling in an active family environment, but also is a wonderful working dog whether in obedience, herding, agility or tracking. The Belgian Malinois is a no-nonsense dog who must be taken seriously by their owner.

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