Pequinés en venta

¡Con Su Criador, Esperando Por Ti!

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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Dear Sandor It was good to hear from you and I shall be pleased to complete and return your survey. I will return it to you later today or tomorrow morning when I have a little more spare time-. As for my puppy Tamsin,she is all I could ever have hoped for. She is growing into a very beautiful little...

Hey Lasheika, really sorry for take so long to reply your email. Starbucks is doing great, now she is known as Branca. she is growing fast (wish it was slower), me and my wife we are in love for her. Also we can see that she is enjoying going out, to the beach, to the parks.

Hey Eddie, Thank you again for Malcolm he got here last night and he seems to be adjusting just fine. we took some pictures last night when he got here. We would keep sending pictures as he gets older. Ana, Bann, Germany

Eddie We have her now and my daughter is beyond pleased!! Have taken her with us for vacation for a week at the beach in Florida! Everyone is spoiling this little lady!!! She is so very active, into everything and is already part of the family! Thank you and your group very much!! We will be pleased to recommend your...

Perle F.

Valencia, Spain

Alessandro Rodrigues

Doha, Qatar

Ana Hernandez

Bann, Germany

Steven W. McCloud

LaFayette, United States

Acerca de Pequinés Raza

The Pekingese suggests its Chinese origin in its directness, independence, individuality and expression. It has an extravagant, long, straight-flowing coat that has profuse feathering and comes in all colors.

Conoce más acerca de ésta raza