Pinscher Miniatura en venta

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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

We can't believe our pretty girl has turned 4! Time is sure flying by! She still loves her home here in Kuwait! Thank you, Euro Puppy! The Hibberd Family!

Merry Christmas, Steve! Here are some images of our Maxi. He is doing well. No problems with food, he is very active and started to enjoy his toys. As we live in the city we are happy that he is not afraid of anything (cars and other noises). Unfortunately we have to spend a lot of time going up and...

Hello! Thanks for your greetings! The Birthday girl is residing in Moscow at the moment and is lively, energetic doggy, as she always was. She likes to model. She has her minpin brother who is older and one younger, but big rescue pup to keep her company. She is a character: manipulating people, who are vulnerable to cuteness and bossing...

Hey Eddie, It's Catherine and Sean. Thanks for the attachment you sent to Catherine's email. Here is some pictures of us and Ali (aka Roscoe). Once again thanks for all the help! Catherine & Sean

Michael Hibberd

Sabah Al-Salem, Kuwait

Ekaterina Turnebef

Abu Dhadi, United Arab Emirates

Ekaterina Turnebef

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Catherine Michelle Prestley

Grumolo Delle Abbadess, Italy

Acerca de Pinscher Miniatura Raza

The Miniature Pinscher is a well-balanced, small, sturdy, compact, short-coupled, smooth-coated dog who is proud, vigorous and alert. They are muscular, sleek dogs with square proportions and wll-chiseled lines.

Conoce más acerca de ésta raza