Saluki en venta

¡Con Su Criador, Esperando Por Ti!

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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Cooper is wonderful and doing well. I’ve also included a couple pictures of his first litter of puppies. Cooper has a forever home with us and while we do breed he has a great dog life with love and space to roam and lives a happy dog life! Linda

Hi Steve, LuLu (previously named Mignon) is settling well to life in Dubai.She arrived in the wee hours of the morning with Terry (Thanks, Terry!) and hasn't looked back since. LuLu was given a clean bill of health by our vet and continues to grow each day.She enjoys playing with EVERYONE and socializes well with other puppies and dogs.Initially, we...

Eddie He's finally home! Taking him to the vet soon Muneera

Mario and Tibor,Our puppy is home with us and I could not be happier with the dog, as well as the process of it all. It took me a total of 10minutes to clear customs and get the puppy, now named Henry. He was very frightened at first, which was expected, but as soon as he warmed up to me...

Linda Sanchez

Lakehills, United States

Jennette Drew

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Muneera Alkhalifa

Manama, Bahrain

Brian & Erin McGlone

Belmar, United States

Acerca de Saluki Raza

The Saluki is a breed of dogs known for speed, stamina and endurance. It resembles the Azawakh or Sloughi, which were commonly known as the Royal dogs of Egypt.

Conoce más acerca de ésta raza