Schnauzer Miniatura en venta

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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Hello Eddie,As I promised, here are pictures of Max on arrival and in the morning. Thefamily is very happy, specially my youngest son, who is the owner. Thisweekend I will take more pictures for the breeder with the rest of dogs.Max feels right at home, he slept well and is already bossing around myother dogs. We are making an appointment...

HI Eddie, These are pictures of Lexi at our home. She is an awesome schnauzer and a very good guardian. Thanks! Please forward to Sandor :-) Regards, Michelle Manama, Bahrain

Dear Shane I would like to thank you for giving Us Maxino as an amazing character , so loving , so intelligent , very playful ..Today he is 5 years old , but the sad part is years pass by so quick , wish dogs lived longer ? :( so today my ultimate wishes for my Maximo is that he...

Hi Lasheika, Yes Han is 2! I am attaching some pictures of his----he is an absolute delight and has brought so much happiness to our lives and I hope he feels our love too! Regards Sonia

Ramiro Ortiz Gurdian

Managua, Nicaragua

Michelle Angela Faye Dizon

Manama, Bahrain

Neda Hayfawi

Amman, Jordan

Sonia Khosla

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Acerca de Schnauzer Miniatura Raza

The Miniature Schnauzer is a small, squarely proportioned dog with a long head, bushy beard, mustache and eyebrows. It is an energetic, active dog; it makes a delightful companion for apartment dweller or someone with a small house and yard.

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