Shar Pei Chino en venta

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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Yogi has been an amazing addition to our lives. He has such a great personality and is a very healthy and vibrant dog. As you know, today is his 7th birthday, and we held a small celebration for him. I've attached a few pictures of Yogi for your enjoyment.

Hi Steve Jinx is doing great ! I want to thank everyone at euro puppy for another great puppy . The first time I was looking for a French Bulldog , I knew I wanted a black and white pied . I looked at a lot of websites . No one had any ,then I came to a website that...

As I promised I wanted to send you pictures of Dayan. We call her Amica Dayana. She is really happy and loves her playmate/sister, Seanna. She is a wonderful dog and love having her as an addition to our family. Thank you,Stephanie & Mike Weaver

Hey EddieHow are you doing? We are attaching few pictures of him.About Noah...He is just fantastic.He likes playing around all the time.We got him a trainer.It has just been 2 classes and the response from him is really good.He is a fast learner.He loves to be out all the time and when he is inside he loves chewing our shoes.He...

Keara Dotson

San Qurino, Italy

Stephanie Henault

Portsmouth, United States

Stephanie Weaver

Aviano, Italy

Neethu Nair

Leipzig, Germany

Acerca de Shar Pei Chino Raza

The Chinese Shar-Pei is a playful, active, dominant, and brave breed. It is very loyal to its handler. The Chinese Shar-Pei name roughly translates to “draping sand paper like skin” in Chinese where it was known as the “Chinese Fighting Dog”. In 1978 the Guinness Book of Records listed it as the world’s rarest dog.

Conoce más acerca de ésta raza