Shar Pei en venta

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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Hi Eddie, I have attached some pictures. Geddy, our rescue dog (Missy) and Honey are getting on well. What can I say... 'Honey Bunny' is the sweetest little thing and you did really well finding such a cutie, also great work getting her here so quickly, for which many thanks have to be shared with Sandor and Tibor. My Eddie......

Dear Monika,I can't tell you how pleased I am with Isabella. She did so well after such a long trip, it's amazing. Although she was very tired, she was very accepting of her new family and her new surroundings. Today she is perking up and running around with her new brother, our Black Russian. Isabella is absolutely beautiful and the...

Hi Sandor,Finally I am sending you pics of the pups and their big sister Kayla Louise (American Bulldog). I want to thank you so very much for all the joy you have sent to this house. I was a little apprehensive when I sent for Java, but the experience was nothing less than amazing. After seeing her antics and how...

Dear Sandor It was good to hear from you and I shall be pleased to complete and return your survey. I will return it to you later today or tomorrow morning when I have a little more spare time-. As for my puppy Tamsin,she is all I could ever have hoped for. She is growing into a very beautiful little...

Karen Barkas & John Ord

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Diane Lerman

Monte Sereno, United States

Kim A. Foster

Augusta, United States

Perle F.

Valencia, Spain

Acerca de Shar Pei Raza

The Chinese Shar-Pei is a playful, active, dominant, and brave breed. It is very loyal to its handler. The Chinese Shar-Pei name roughly translates to “draping sand paper like skin” in Chinese where it was known as the “Chinese Fighting Dog”. In 1978 the Guinness Book of Records listed it as the world’s rarest dog.

Conoce más acerca de ésta raza