Shiba Inu en venta

¡Con Su Criador, Esperando Por Ti!

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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

La Sheika, some pics from my husband. She loves hanging out with her brother.

Hi Lasheika, Thanks for the celebration! Pochi has brought my family so much joy! He bonds with us so well and I never regretted having him in my family.

Hi Sandor, Happy Anniversary! My experience with Euro Puppy has been exceptional. I was somewhat nervous doing something as significant as buying a puppy online, but I had absolutely no issues to mention. Shiba (his breed and his name) is beautiful...a head turner and gets attention anywhere we go with hime. He has been a wonderful addition to our family...

Hi there Thanks for your email about Betty’s birthday. She is now called Ottie ! As you can see she is in great form and loves the desert. Ottie of Arabia. Please tell her breeders she is much loved Adrian Gane

Vanessa Harrison

Niederkail , Germany

Jeremy Huang

Bellevue , United States

Roshelle Jones

Steinwenden, Germany

Adrian Gane

Abu Dhabi , United Arab Emirates

Acerca de Shiba Inu Raza

The Shiba Inu is a small, compact, agile furry dog that looks like a miniature Akita. Its outgoing personality, convenient size, and good nature have made it the most common pet in the Japan. This is not a dog for the faint-hearted as it is a large animal in a small body.

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