Terrier Tibetano en venta

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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Hi Mario,We wanted to touch base with you again and let you know how wonderful Aida is doing. She is picking up wonderfully on house training and learning basic commands (in English). Attached is two pictures so you can see how well she's doing at home with us. Thank you for everything - we couldn't have asked for a better...

Hi Steve I thought you might like to know Alfie is all fine and in good health as confirmed by the vet last Friday. As you can see he is settling well into our family life and we are all delighted with him. Many thanks to you and your team for helping us find our perfect puppy. Kind regards Helen...

Hey Eddie, I couldnt get to the link to fill out the survey but here is a update: Hurley (formerly known as Frodo), is doing amazing! After we picked him up from the Airport he was so friendly and excited. He is so happy here in his new home and is already trained on his pee mat and is fetching...

Hi Eddie, As you know, my husband and I have wanted a Komondor for years. We had looked and looked, and they were not easy to find. I finally learned about Europuppy. It was at first scary to think about getting a dog from another country, but I quickly learned that I could trust your company from your prompt service....

Lacey & Brian Crupi

St Leonard, United States

Simon Gaston

Geneva, Switzerland

Kaley Johnson

Valletta, Malta

Jessica Lorraine Williams

Alma, United States

Acerca de Terrier Tibetano Raza

The Tibetan Terrier is a medium-sized, squarely proportioned dog that looks more like a sheepdog than a terrier. The double coat protects the entire dog, even falling in front of the dark, large, widely spaced eyes. The Tibetan Terrier is an appealing, shaggy little dog.

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