West Highland White Terrier en venta

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Comentarios de Clientes

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Hi Shane! We renamed Slow to Buffy as there is nothing slow about him, :) Yes, I’ve had this beautiful pup 8 years now. He’s wonderful. We love him to bits. Here’s a photo, Thanks Kim

Hi Steve, As promised I am attatching a few photos of Moon aka Teddy - he is settling brilliantly. Thought the breeder would like to see him now! He is certainly loving the Muscat heat and enjoys the sunshine! Have already told a friend to ask for you she would also like one! Kind regards. Melanie.

Hi Lasheika, Thank you for your email. Chili, who we renamed to: Snowy, is just lovely. He really is the most delightful and loving dog, both my boys adore him. We have had to manage his itchy skin though which is tough in the Dubai heat. But otherwise very happy and healthy. please see pictures attached kind regards

Hi Eddie I've been meaning to write to you with a photo of Jimmy. He's everything we expected and is such a wonderful member of our family. He's happy and healthy and Europuppy did a fantastic job getting him here is such good shape. I've completed the survey and attach a photo of Jimmy. It was taken on Australia Day...

Kim Latham

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Lee Ebbutt

Azaibah, Oman

Susan Farrow

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Patricia Mills

Doha, Qatar

Acerca de Terrier West Highland White Raza

The West Highland White Terrier is an elegant looking with a beautiful, shiny white coat and bright, button eyes. The ears are small, pointed and erect, giving the animal an alert ready-for-anything appearance. It has a deep chest and muscular limbs.

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