Yorkshire Terrier en venta

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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Dear Akos, Bella turns 1 today and my kids are excited to celebrate it, they got for her many different kinds of treats so she can enjoy. She is fully house trained and extremely smart, she knows us by our names, she knows when the kids get back from school, she barks when the mobile phone rings or when the...

Dear Eddie, I can't begin to tell you how HAPPY I am with this adorable sweetheart. She is doing so well, growing, playing and learning everything I ask of her. She is quite an intellegent little pup. We all love her so much, and Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your help. It was easy to...

Dear All, Hope this email finds you well. I wanted to thank you again for the amazing addition to our family. Mojito is an amazing boy. He's very energetic, friendly, lovable, & extremely playful. Everyone that met him has fallen in love with him. Kindly note that I referred various people to your website. Attached is a picture I just...

Hello Lasheika, Yes, my baby girl is 7 today. Goodness, how the time has flown. Poppy is doing extremely well. All surgeries were completed on her hind legs last year and no further surgeries are needed for the foreseeable future. Through all her surgeries she has been a brave little soldier and is adored by vets, doctors, and nurses alike....


Doha, Qatar

Debbie Cox

Ramstein, Germany

Aljohara Faisal Musaad Al-Saud

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Celine Horan

Zurich, Switzerland

Acerca de Yorkshire Terrier Raza

The Yorkshire Terrier is a long-haired toy terrier whose blue and tan coat is parted on the face and from the base of the skull to the end of the tail and hangs evenly and quite straight down each side of the body.

The hair on the head is so abundant that it is almost always necessary to gather it in a band to keep from going into the dog’s food bowl and to give the animal maximum visibility. Some owners choose to trim the hair on top of the head. This puppy is one of the world’s smallest dogs.

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