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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Dear Shane, Thank you for your email and for the birthday wishes to Scooby. Scooby is growing fast as you will see from the attached pictures.  He has been an amazing addition to our family and has taken over all of our hearts. Scooby somehow seemed to know it was his birthday and was enjoying every minute of the attention...

Hello there Eddie,How are things? Laurie here you might remember us we (Newman and I) have gotten two black and white bull Terriers from you and I might add are very happy with them.Thanks for your help and are a few pictures of the kids.Laurie

Hi Shane, So nice to hear from Europuppy. I have attached 2 photos of Crumpet and 1 photo of Crumpet with her 2 other Europuppy siblings. Sandy (Kerianna) is a Havanese and was born June 30, 2009. Frodo (Junior) is also a Havanese and was born August 16, 2010. We bought all 3 of our Europuppies while living in Doha,...

Aloha Lasheika - yes, the time has flown! We are now in Hawaii after a very interesting time in Thailand. Okoś (our daughters’ Hungarian name choice) is thriving. Blessings to you all at Euro Puppy! The Soltis Family


Stockholm, Sweden

Laura Ashley & Newman McLaughlin

Mundare, Canada

Dana Lutton

Doha, Qatar

Christopher Soltis

Bangkok , Thailand