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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Hi Sandor,As you can see Darla loves pictures. She is doing very well. Darla bosses all the big guys around especially when it comes to food. They all back off and wait for her to eat a little bit out of each bowl and once she picks one, then the others start to eat. She is just to funny. Thank...

Hello Lasheika.. We are so happy having Brookline in our family , we feel that we have a new baby in the house 😂

Eddie, He was a bundle of energy and drank and ate most of the food we brought. He slept the first night in his cage but did not put up too much of a fight :) Tonight we are taking him to a very good vet here in Riyadh. In fact he was recommended by both Mashael and Summer. I...

Eddie, The boys made it home fine & all is well. Forgot how tiring a puppy can be! He is fitting in perfectly! Thank you, Dawn Gonzalez Encinitas, California CA

Barbara Gonzalez

Philadelphia, United States

Zareena Khalil

Kuwait City, Kuwait

Susanne & Patrick Frankewicz

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Teresa Dawn & Edward Gonzalez

Los Angeles, United States