Mac - Mastín Napolitano perro a la venta

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Nota del cachorro

Pronto estará disponible la nota del cachorro. Mientras tanto, no dudes en contactarnos si tienes alguna pregunta.
Mastín Napolitano
5 años
Fecha de Nacimiento
Oct 23, 2018
peso de la madre
68 kg (150 lbs)
altura de la madre
68 cm (27")
peso del padre
92 kg (203 lbs)

Un compromiso de por vida

Cada uno de nuestros perros viene con nuestra Garantía de Sanidad de por vida. Si su perro llega a tener una enfermedad mortar congénita o genética o alteración en la calidad de vida estará protegido. Incluso cubrimos a su perro contra problemas como luxación de rótulas graves y displasia de cadera y codo severa. Garantizado para toda la vida de su perro! Sin embargo no nos gustaría que se tuvieran que enfrentar con la tragedia de tener que utilizar esta garantía por lo tanto nos aseguramos de ofrecer los mejores cachorros de líneas de sangre genéticamente saludables!

Leer más sobre nuestra garantía

Más cachorros de Mastín Napolitano en venta

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Eddie, We decided after spending time with the puppy that we are going to name him Rocco. We took Rocco to the vet and he received a perfect bill of health. He checked his hips, knees, lungs, heart, stool and probably other things that I wasn’t even aware of. It turns out my vet’s favorite ever dog was a mastiff. He was so enthused and happy for us and talked our ears off regarding his experience with Mastiffs and how […]

Sandor,I just wanted to take some time to thank you for providing the service that you provide. Your company’s level of communication is excellent and was very encouraging throughout the process. I will definitely recommend you to anyone and everyone who asks me about Dolce as well as anyone looking for any breed. I want to thank you for the genuine concern that you expressed about placing the puppy and it’s health. I will definitely remember our transaction as a […]

Hi Eddie, I picked up Gotti today and when I saw him for the first time, I was amazed by his appearance…he is absolutely gorgeous! His color is beautiful and he looks so healthy. He looks much better in person. I have no regrets, in fact, I’m thinking of purchasing another from you all. Thank you very much for all your help Eddie. Best regards, Letty

Mario- I just wanted to thank you again for helping with the process of getting my baby home! Dante, as we call him, is doing very well. His ears were cropped about three weeks ago and have healed very nicely. He is almost 5 months and is 65 lbs- and I’m keeping him pretty thin right now! He is doing great with my other dogs and loves to go to my work with me and get loved on. I am […]

Robert & Laurie Henchey

Adairsville, United States

Carlos R. Jimenez

Elkton, United States

Letty Diaz de Leon

Corpus Christi, United States

Alysha Forsythe

Acworth, United States

Puntos destacados de la raza

Expectativa de Vida
10 años
Grado de Aprendizaje
Tamaño de la Camada
6 to 12
Perros: 130-180 libras
Hembras: 120-160 libras
Perros: 26-30 pulgadas
Hembras: 24-28 pulgadas
País de Origen
Otros Nombres
Mastino, Neo, Italian Mastiff, Mastino Napoletano