American Bulldog For Sale

With Their Breeder, Waiting for You!

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Above you will find some of the American Bulldog puppies which we had for sale. At times we may only have a few American Bulldog available so we do hope you check back soon to find and locate your new furry best friend! Should there not be any American Bulldog puppy listings shown, please complete the form below to register your interest in buying an American Bulldog.

Want to get the perfect puppy? Just tell us your preferences and we will do all the work.

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Highlights of the Breed
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Puppy Finder service, Dog finder service, Champion bloodline puppies for sale

Did you know that we have homed a huge variety of breeds, including very rare ones, to over five thousand homes worldwide already, with trust and reliability. No wonder we are the number 1 online dog adoption company and by far the most dependable choice to locate the puppy of your dreams.

We can help you discover the puppy you have always been looking for, just by filling out your individual information and preferences in this form. However if you are just looking for that average run of the mill puppy you can stop reading now, its not what we do! We assist people interested only in the most exceptional pure bred or rare puppies, that can be very hard to locate. Second best is not what you will get from us! We only source out the best of the best that our Central European location offers.

Please be patient while we seek out the perfect puppy for you, we probably won’t provide pictures in our first reply to you, as we will be busy contacting the vast network of breeders we work directly with. To find the very best, it takes a little time! So sit back and let us do the work! Finding that right puppy for you, that will be with you for many years to come, is a careful and diligent process which can be time-consuming and lengthy. But it is worth it when you will have the puppy you have always wanted by your side.

Can’t find the dog you really want?

We will do the work for you!
For Personal Assistance from our Breed Expert, just leave us your email address and name.

Check out our previously sold puppies

Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Hello Eddie, Just want to forward some photos of Sniper; please forward them to the breeder. Sniper is a wonderful dog, he has a good heart and is very intelligent. He weights 120 lbs. & is 24 inches at the withers; although he's a big dog, he's graceful and thinks he's a puppy. He is a wonderful companion. Rebecca Christensen

We just wanted to say Thank you we love Rambo!!! We sent you a picture of him. The Schroeder Family, Clearwater, Florida FL

Eddie, Lockjaw has adjusted to our family very well. He was seen by the vet here and he is healthy. Thank you and your staff for your wonderful service and the best puppy. I have attached some photos for you. Thank you, Edwards Family Vilseck, Germany

Europuppy,Thank you so much for our beautiful Dogue De Bordeaux puppy! He is all wewould have expected and more. I am very pleased with how healthy and stronghe is. He has become a very loving part of our family and we love him verymuch! He also gets along very well with our other family dog which is aboxer. Thanks again,...

Hans Christensen

Dallas, United States

Brian Weigand & Suzanne Schroeder

Clearwater, United States

Shonda & Josh Edwards

Vilseck, Germany

Jamy & Beth Johnson

Fort Knox, United States

About American Bulldog Breed

The American Bulldog is higher on the leg, more agile and swifter than its English counterpart. They are powerful, very muscular, athletic, sturdy dogs with a large, head and jaws.

This breed is very strong, well boned, but agile and light on the feet. The chest is wide and the muscular neck tapers from shoulders to head, the neck may have a slight dewlap. The head is square and broad with muscular cheeks and the strong muzzle is shaped like a box. Uncropped ears are preferred in the American Bulldog Breeders Association Standard. Any eye color is permitted, but black eye rims are preferred on white dogs.

Read more about breed