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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Hi Steve, Here are few photos from Micro He ate and is already adjusting. He loves his new bed and toys. I will send more photos later. Please thank the breeder for taking good care of him on my behalf Thanks Elizas

Eddie,Here are pictures of Kahlua, aka. Betty from when she was competing in MySpace's Miss Dog USA contest. She didn't win, but she looks oh so cute! We love her so much! She's such a sassy fire cracker. She likes to boss Bailey around. :)Thank you,Jessica

Steve! he is a wonderful boy, 'Im really glad and happy this time :) He seems to be healthy with no problems, he started playing with my other dogs after the first 2 minutes :D Tomorrow ill take him for a vet check up and ill update you. Every body is crazy about him

Hello Steve, Attila is simply Amazing and well behaved while I'm doing basic trainings.. My family are loving him and he has a nice and gentle personality! I am so happy to have him as a new family member and I'm taking good care of him and my trainer told me that he already shows signs of being trained on...

Eliza Siqueira Artiaga

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Sebastian & Jessica Henao

Wyoming, United States

Fares Mansour Nasser

Muscat, Oman

Ahmed A. Latif Al Azemi

Kuwait, Kuwait