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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Dear Shane I would like to thank you for giving Us Maxino as an amazing character , so loving , so intelligent , very playful ..Today he is 5 years old , but the sad part is years pass by so quick , wish dogs lived longer ? :( so today my ultimate wishes for my Maximo is that he...

Eddie We have her now and my daughter is beyond pleased!! Have taken her with us for vacation for a week at the beach in Florida! Everyone is spoiling this little lady!!! She is so very active, into everything and is already part of the family! Thank you and your group very much!! We will be pleased to recommend your...

Dear Eddie White Wonder (now renamed Whiskey by my young son) arrived in very good condition. He didn’t seem stressed by the journey and settled in quickly. He cried for what was left of Friday night, but went to bed without a sound on Saturday and Sunday. He is already good friends with our German Shepherd, is stealing the food...

Hi ! Thanks so much for following up on “boomer”.. aka Charlie Brown He’s everything and more for us …. He highly sociable … plays along well with the other doggies .. loves the children … He plays everyday with his “friends” at a local park here in Madrid … we only wish we had more room for another of...

Neda Hayfawi

Amman, Jordan

Steven W. McCloud

LaFayette, United States

Patrick Gaertner

Cape Town, South Africa


Madrid, Spain