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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Hi Steve, Some photos of Oris. Many thanks for helping me make it happen, Regards Aziz

Hi Eddie, I just went to see Jasmine at the airport and gave her a meal. She was super hungry! She finished it in 20 seconds..Tomorrow morning I have to go again to meet the vet as the vet duty is up to 9pm only. Then quarantine for rabies test. She'll be home and settled by 11am. She looks better...

Hi Eddie!Just wanted to let you know that this little puppers is everything we wanted! She is so affectionate and loving! We have raised alot of great puppies, but this one has something special about her, sincerely. She has a special spring in her step and knows very well how to wrap us around her little paw.Thanks for all of...

Dear Shane & Europuppy, Thank you for wishing our Born to be wild, Tommy, his 1st birthday!! We celebrated with a long day at the dog park and lots of food!! He lives up to his name :D He’s full of energy and a total sweetie pie. He’s living his best life traveling around the world and staying active. We...

AbdulAziz Nasser Almaduog

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Nawaf Alkhateeb

Manama, Bahrain

Christy and family

Greenfield, United States


Copenhagen, Denmark