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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Hi Eddie! Ok, thank you for answer. Stubby is a very nice dog in every way; so easy and sometimes so difficult, just as a real typical Bullterrier:) Send you more pics, my computer is full of them... Best Regards Eva

Thank you for your message and for wishing Ksara (previously known as Lola) a Happy 2nd Birthday :) Here are some pictures of Ksara in the past year, she's very happy in Dubai and does a lot of activities with us including camping, swimming, and mostly just relaxing on the couch :) Enjoy! Best, Sami

Hello Eddie, Just wanted to let you know, Hachi arrived this morning and he looks confident and full of spirit. For now he only responds to treats, but I must say he's extremely smart. I will be in contact with you when I visit the vet. Regards, Bader

Hello Eddie, I'll attach a few images for you to pass along to the breeder. I'll also post a few recent images of the new puppy, which we've named Milo. Thanks a ton! Carlo San Francisco

Eva-Lotta Calén

Bjärnum, Sweden

Sami Adra

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Bader Al-sanea

Kuwait, Kuwait

Carlo Mora & Andrew Jason Santiag

San Francisco, United States