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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Dear Eddie, Please find attached a Photo of Theo taken today. Please tell the breeder that we are very happy with Theo. Kind Regards, Fabien, Doha, Qatar

Hello Eddie,Just a quick note to say Hello! I've attached a recent photo of "Wild Thing" the Akita we purchased from you last November.We renamed him "Lennox" and he has been a real joy to everyone in the family. He transitioned with ease into his new home and has been easy to train. We attend puppy training classes once a...

Dear Euro Puppy USA,Now that I've had my Neapolitan Mastiff puppy for over a month, I wanted to drop you a line to show my appreciation and perhaps share my experience with your future customers.For many years, I had wanted a Dogue de Bordeaux however my wife wanted a Rottweiler. I had also been familiar with Neapolitan Mastiffs and showed...

Dear Eddie, As I informed you on the phone I received the puppy and we are so happy for having him among our family. I prepared for him sweet little home and he seems enjoying himself. Regards, Khalid

Fabien Toscano

Doha, Qatar

Heather Mozart

Los Altos Hills, United States

Michael Paulsen

Tampa, United States


Riyadh, Saudi Arabia