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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Thanks! Duke now is a multi champion MBT Guatemala El Salvador Costa Rica Panamerican and also a Sire of a litter of 2. Check it out the pics and I wish like you. Best regards, Alvaro Barraza

Hi Eddie, Its carla, wanted to let u know that twix (previous darcy) is doing fine, a very playfull and sweet dog. We get him a trainer to help us in the training, though he doesn't listen much to us! It will workout eventually, the kids love him and spoil him. Will follow with some more pictures. Regards, Carla Tabet

Can’t believe he is 6 already! He has so much energy and is obsessed with any kind of balls. He is by far the most athletic bulldog I have ever had.

Hi my name is Rafael and I purchased a French mastiff from at first I was a little skepticalabout buying a puppy I had never seen in person before and none the less I had to send Euro Puppy all the funds upfront before shipping the pup everyone who spoke to said to me don't do it you don't...


Guatemala City, Guatemala

Paul & Carlita Tabet

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Jordan Strickland

Ponce Inlet, United States

Rafael Figueroa

Linden, United States