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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Hi Steve, We got the pup. We love him so much he's so handsome and cute! Thank you so much! Gaidaa

Hi Sandor,just thought I’d send along a couple of pictures of Nahka and Athos. They are both doing wonderfully. Athos just turned 1 year last month and Nahka is now 1 yr & 8 months. How time just flies by.I must tell you that the French Bulldog breed is an amazing breed of dog. We have so many laughs with...

Hello, Yes Yoshi has grown up to be such an amazing little pup with an adorable personality! Khalida

Dear Eddie, Please find attached a Photo of Theo taken today. Please tell the breeder that we are very happy with Theo. Kind Regards, Fabien, Doha, Qatar

Gaidaa Qattan

Amman, Jordan

Amy & Dana

Newtonville, United States

Khalida Al-Sulaiman

Jeddah , Saudi Arabia

Fabien Toscano

Doha, Qatar