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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Dear Lasheika, Apologies for the delay in getting back to you and thank you for Enzo’s birthday wishes. We remember exactly how he looked like when he first joined our family and he will always be that baby. We’ve had a new addition to our family - our son who’s one year old and Enzo has always been so sweet...

Hi Shane, Team, Hope this email finds you well. Many thanks for your message, very thoughtful of you, and thanks for the birthday wishes on behalf of Kyoto. Of course, we do remember the moment we first saw Kyoto! A moment we never forget. She's been very well, although been through a couple of changes in the past couple of...

Hi Eddie, It is a long time ago, but our Fun (Funny) is doing very well. She is well trained en behaves well. We all love her and she us. She 9 month and healthy. Again thanks to the breeder how did a very good job. Best regards from sunny Qatar. Gort family Doha

Manny is a wonderful dog!!! We got him when he was 4 months old. He immediately got used to his new house. We changed his name to Hermes. We have a big yard and he plays every day. All the family is in love with him. His most recent photos are attached. He is now a year old, grown to...

Nicole Bassit

Muscat, Oman

Bela Majoros

Reading, United Kingdom

Joyce & Richard Gort

Doha, Qatar

Sofia Androudi

Thessaloniki , Greece