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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Dear Varga, Appreciate your follow up and we are very pleased to have Quincy (Phantom) with us, he is coping very well to the new climate and enjoying his time with us. One thing is for sure, he is a very well behaved house dog and enjoys sleeping in our bed. Thank you and your team for ensuring that he...

Hi Eddie! Here some pictures of our sweetheart Poppy. We love her so much. She is so lovely. Thanks for all. Gudrun, Vienna, Austria

Hey eddy, Look at him now. Became more active and had minced beef twice and licked his bowl. He liked beef more than chicken. Now cheawing bone. He is very playfull. Now slowly mixing with us & i belive he will be normal soon. Went to docs and has declare him fit but will recover from stress & drepression than...

Hello Steve after a long time.. I'm sorry that it take for so long that I contacted. pup is really well and in good condition .. she's really energetic, initially felt that way too energetic for our pack but she has already calmed down so much,shes energy was like combination &;two of my last dog when they was puppies, all...

Naser Al Omaira

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Gudrun Wieselthaler

Mörbisch am See, Austria

Arun Kumar Sabui

Doha, Qatar

Marno Hytonen

Nummela, Finland