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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Hi EddieWe've had MacGyver (Liam) for a couple of months now and we could not be happier. He's the best dog in the world and we could not have asked for anything more. He is the perfect companion and everyone loves him when we take him out. We just wanted to thank you for helping us with everything.Thanks,Danielle

Thanks! Duke now is a multi champion MBT Guatemala El Salvador Costa Rica Panamerican and also a Sire of a litter of 2. Check it out the pics and I wish like you. Best regards, Alvaro Barraza

Hi guys, Just to let you know Encian (now Abby) has been fabulous - she has settled in really well - better than I ever expected! I will definitely recommend Euro Puppy to anyone who wants a dog and also Mohamed at Doha vets for importing her and making the whole process perfect! Thanks again! Lisa, Doha, Qatar

Hello Eddie!My husband and I are stationed in Baumholder Germany, since he is in the military. I needed a companion while he was gone to work so we decided to get a Neapolitan Mastiff since I had grown up with Mastiffs as a child. To be honest, we were very nervous about purchasing a dog over the internet, since we...

Danielle Chappas

Anaheim, United States


Guatemala City, Guatemala

Lisa Gardiner

Doha, Qatar

Brook and Johnathan Parish

Baumholder, Germany