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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Mario, My husband and I were overjoyed when we picked up fiona! we were wonderfuly surprised to find out that she is more beautiful in person. her personality is perfect. she is confident, playful,intelligent, and she is already barking when some one comes to the door. she has the desire to protect us in only a week. we can not...

Dear Lasheika Hannah has joined with us and she is one happy and sunny heartbreaker. Lot of energy can be used with other friends. Trip went very well and she have adapted so quickly. We are so greatfull for Euro Puppy service team. Its amazing work you do. Thank you so much. You can find them attached. Warm greetings Kersti

Dear Europuppy and Egypuppy, Lana ( Santa Paws ) is the sleeping beauty and then later taking a bath in the garden at Sokhna. The little rascal is Simba (Bailey). Each and everyone of us just love them. They have brought a lot of joy and happiness to our lives..and a lot of WORK. Love and miss you all Sherifa

Hello La Sheika, I'm writing to give you a short update on Piki. We have been getting along nicely these first days. He is indeed a cuddly and loving puppy, seems comfortable indoors and quite playful, and a bit shy outdoors. (I attached two photos). I'm enjoying my time with him a lot. I took three weeks of holidays and...

Joe Carrado

Ft. Lauderdale, United States

Kersti Sillaots

Viljandi , Estonia

Sherifa S.A.

Cairo, Egypt

Jasna Cerne

Luxembourg City, Luxembourg