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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Hi Eddie, Thanks you for my little Frenchie, he is more that what I expected. He is just gorgeous Haven't stopped playing. Altha, Pretoria, South Africa

Check this pup out. Doubled his weight to twenty pounds in nineteen days! Housebroken since the third day, he iis magnificent. Thank you Euro Puppy :-)

Dear Europuppy and Egypuppy, Lana ( Santa Paws ) is the sleeping beauty and then later taking a bath in the garden at Sokhna. The little rascal is Simba (Bailey). Each and everyone of us just love them. They have brought a lot of joy and happiness to our lives..and a lot of WORK. Love and miss you all Sherifa

Dear Eddie,Attached are photos of Frodo and Sandy. They are beautiful, calm and well adjusted. Frodo has been the easiest dog I have ever house trained and I thought Sandy was easy. Please let the 2 Havanese breeders that produced our puppies know how impressed we are with them. And of course, a big thank you to you all at...

Altha Antoniades

Pretoria, South Africa

Mario S. Tabraue

Miami, United States

Sherifa S.A.

Cairo, Egypt

Dana Lutton

Doha, Qatar