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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Hey,I was just sending some pictures your way of our baby, Blanche. She is very short and stocky. Everyone loves her and some friends of our have some French, but they don't look nothing like her. Let me know what you think of her. If you have any good looking males send them our way. Can you email the pictures...

Hello Eddie & Steve, Season greetings, I have attached pics of my super star puppy Kane. What a brilliant smart boy he turned out to be. Four months old and already a giant! Thanks for giving me a great dog yet again guys.

Hi Sandor, was worth the wait! Chloe is beautiful!She was playful in the car ride home and then very playful all night! The next day she was very sleepy. We took her to the vet and he said that she was very healthy and handelled very well. I am sorry if I doubted you! We are so happy with her....

Sandor:Once again you have provided us with an outstanding puppy. We are very happy with our little 'Elf'. He has such a nice personality, he wants to tag along with me every where... 'Elf' and 'Tru' get along so well, wrestling and rolling around with each other; currently both are laying head to head at my feet. It is very...

Johni and Brad Adkisson

Choctaw, United States

Mr. Waheed Mohammed Abdulhamid Khairy

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Kimberly Lineham

Brookfield, United States

Lowell Mawhiney

Lemoncove, United States