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Hi This is his recent photo. Very adorable and well behaved. I am so happy with the initial socializing and training during his stay with the breeder. Please pass my appreciation to his breeder. He is our family member and we love him so much. Regards So

I would like to inform you that Sasha is happy and healthy with us and growing so quickly. She’s an amazing companion, so sweet and playful. She is big and strong and has a very fun personality. We all love her here including her brother ice. They play together all the time and we go on walks and adventures weekly....

Melinda, I wanted to give you an update on our Marmalade(now named Ocha) who we recieved in August. She is very happy with us and our cat. She arrived healthy and we've been reinforcing the work that the trainer did. She is becoming less timid. She likes walks to the dog park, snacks, and playing fetch with her duck toy....

Dear Sandor,Bacchus continues to do really, really well! He is such a loveable and delightful puppy! We adore him and can't thank you and his breeder enough for him...he is precious! He is on the move so much that I really can't capture his personality in pictures because he is so active! I have to wait until he is ready...

So Mui Lai

Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Ahmad Bernieh

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Daniel Davidge

Kaiserslautern , Germany

Lisa Sutphen

Baldwinsville, United States