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Hello Eddie,Sorry take so long sending this pics.This pics are taken a few days after he arrived i take also some new pics but they are in my friend camera and he don't have possibility send them yet..We was in dog park Thursday and we saw few "dog friends" there. He is so calm in home but he have this...

Hey Eddie, This is Alexandros Kritiotis. I bought Brancos (Eros) from you in July :-) Here are some pictures of Brancos now. He has grown (and still growing) to a huge beautiful boy :-)) Regards, Alex, Cyprus

Hi Mario, sorry it's taken so long to get pics to you. I know you wanted them earlier. Thor (Nissan) is 4 months old now and just a love. The Bordeaux is set to be fully recognized by the AKC this summer! We have a contact that is interested in seeing Thor and possibly showing him (keep your fingers crossed)....

Hi Eddie,I just wanted to let you know that we have Choopy. You were right; she is sooo much better in person!!!!We took her to the vet today and he seems to think shes just fine health wise, I did find one flea on her but all seems fine now. She is eating her first meal at home and is...

Marno Hytonen

Nummela, Finland

Alexandros Kritiotis

Larnaca, Cyprus

Natasha & Leon Kerner

Auburndale, United States

Daiana & Rob Sioui

Calgary, Canada