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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Steve! he is a wonderful boy, 'Im really glad and happy this time :) He seems to be healthy with no problems, he started playing with my other dogs after the first 2 minutes :D Tomorrow ill take him for a vet check up and ill update you. Every body is crazy about him

Hi Mario:My husband and I purchased a male Rottweiler puppy from you in October of 2006. We just wanted to share with you how he has grown and what he looks like today, a year and a half old.Troy is a very happy, healthy, gorgeous Rottie. Everywhere we go, people always stop us and comment on how beautiful he is...

Hey Eddie, This is Alexandros Kritiotis. I bought Brancos (Eros) from you in July :-) Here are some pictures of Brancos now. He has grown (and still growing) to a huge beautiful boy :-)) Regards, Alex, Cyprus

Hello Eddie,As I promised, here are pictures of Max on arrival and in the morning. Thefamily is very happy, specially my youngest son, who is the owner. Thisweekend I will take more pictures for the breeder with the rest of dogs.Max feels right at home, he slept well and is already bossing around myother dogs. We are making an appointment...

Fares Mansour Nasser

Muscat, Oman

Mike & Linda Bordy

Redwood City, United States

Alexandros Kritiotis

Larnaca, Cyprus

Ramiro Ortiz Gurdian

Managua, Nicaragua