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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Mario,US Customs did approve the import with the copies and all went well. The puppy is just amazing. I just wanted to thank you for everything, and let you know how happy we are with the pup. We are thrilled to death to have him and he seems to be adapting very well. He loves to play with our two...

Hello Lasheika.. We are so happy having Brookline in our family , we feel that we have a new baby in the house 😂

Hello Mario...Just wanted to thank you guys again for our puppie Pisti (ex Charlie lol and on the papers Stained Emperor Lewis). I'll attach few pictures at 5 months.thank you very much,Tudor

hey eddie, our pup is here!! we are naming her Mocha. :) she is soooo adorable <3 thank you for alll your help. :) regards, manidra. Kuwait

Abigail Roskom

Green Bay, United States

Zareena Khalil

Kuwait City, Kuwait

Tudor Hirian

Saskatoon, Canada

Mandira & Krritika Malhotra

Kuwait, Kuwait