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Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Eddie,Here are some new photos of Lauren - Boxer puppy. As you can see, I'm thrilled with her. She is confident, very loving, quick and willing to learn. Has totally made herself at home here in beautiful Marion."Lauren of the Faerie's Realm" got to socialize with some people spectators Sunday at the AKC Trial for Canine Good Citizens Titles here...

Eddie, Here are pictures of Chibes. Today is first year since we received this Puli. He is more Hungarian than American. Would like another one - a female. Thanks. David, Phoenix, AZ

Eddie,Henrik arrived healthy, alert, and happy after his long journey.He has already made himself quite at home here. Thanks for all your work getting him to us in an efficient manner.Thank you,Adam

Hi Eddie, I have attached some pictures. Geddy, our rescue dog (Missy) and Honey are getting on well. What can I say... 'Honey Bunny' is the sweetest little thing and you did really well finding such a cutie, also great work getting her here so quickly, for which many thanks have to be shared with Sandor and Tibor. My Eddie......

Jean Crosby

Marion, United States

David Curry

Phoenix, United States

Shana & Adam Smith

Haryana, India

Karen Barkas & John Ord

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates