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Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Eddie,I have received Afra's pedigree today. Thank you. Attached is a photo of this beautiful female. We was at a BIG Bordeaux Show in France this weekend with 303 Dogue de Bordeaux's entered. I LOVE this girl. She has the best temperamentever.Brgds Linda Hansen

Hello Lasheika, Yes, my baby girl is 7 today. Goodness, how the time has flown. Poppy is doing extremely well. All surgeries were completed on her hind legs last year and no further surgeries are needed for the foreseeable future. Through all her surgeries she has been a brave little soldier and is adored by vets, doctors, and nurses alike....

Hi Eddie, I received Rocco's pedigree certificate today. Thanks so much for your wonderful service. His registered name is Gold Medalion Jacky. He had his first haircut this week. It's getting nice and warm during the day. He loves playing with water and doesn't mind getting sopping wet when I water the lawn or the flowers. I have attached photos...

Hi there Steve Diego arrived safely at 5am this morning. He was happy to come and of his crate and have a play. He loved running around in the backyard with the girls.. and the girls adore him! We think he has a friendly, outgoing and placid nature. We are truly grateful for such a wonderful bundle of joy! I'll...

Linda Hansen & Fredrik Midtlyng

Oslo, Norway

Celine Horan

Zurich, Switzerland

Gerda Van Brakel

Pretoria, South Africa

David John Rynne

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates