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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Dear Sandor It was good to hear from you and I shall be pleased to complete and return your survey. I will return it to you later today or tomorrow morning when I have a little more spare time-. As for my puppy Tamsin,she is all I could ever have hoped for. She is growing into a very beautiful little...

Hi Eddie, here are some photos of Jake, he is a great dog with a wonderful personality. He brings a lot of joy to our family and loves to chew things up, so toys are popular here if you wanna keep your shoes, have a great day Scott Crosby. Orlando, FL USA

Hello Sandor! and everyone at Euro Puppy!!!We purchased Luci Jo from Euro Puppy last May and she has just been the joy our lives! We couldn't have asked for a better dog. She is the best!She loves to be cuddled and is definetely a lap dog. She also loves walks outside in the snow bundled up of course, and wrestling...

Hello Bullet is happy and healthy. He made his way to Canada and is living with my son, as we had bought Bullet for him and when he moved from Qatar he really missed him. He is much loved. He sleeps with my son every day and has 2 doggy friends. He is missed by my other sons here in...

Perle F.

Valencia, Spain

Scott Crosby

Orlando, United States

The Padgitt Family

Charleston, United States

Karin Al Qaisi

Doha, Qatar