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Comentarios de Clientes

Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Hi Eddie,I wanted to send you an updated picture of Camille. She is the sweetest baby girl. She has become such a big part of our family. My grandchildren, ages 4 and 2, love her as much as we do and she them. Patty

Dear All, Hope this email finds you well. I wanted to thank you again for the amazing addition to our family. Mojito is an amazing boy. He's very energetic, friendly, lovable, & extremely playful. Everyone that met him has fallen in love with him. Kindly note that I referred various people to your website. Attached is a picture I just...

Dear Eddie,Just to let you know that our little Shyla (alias Ari) arrived safely in Dubai. She is a wonderful puppy with lots of affection to share, very willing to learn and on top of it very beautiful and stole our heart instantly. We really couldn't be happier with our new addition and would like to extend our sincere thanks...

Hi Eddie,Sorry for the delay! Drake is doing fine and my daughter really adores him.He is still a little confused, but he is settling in. I have attached three pictures and will forward more when the chance arises.Best Regards,George

Patty & Rocky Worley

West Fork, United States

Aljohara Faisal Musaad Al-Saud

Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Barbara & Damian Milton

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

George Nackley

Dubai, United Arab Emirates