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Palabras de Dueños de Perros Satisfechos de todo el Mundo

Hi Eddie, Hope all is well with the Europuppy team! I wanted to send you a quick update on Munkie (previously Portos) and send you some updated photos. He's doing really well and he's so healthy and clever! He's been so easy to housetrain and has been the perfect puppy with no issues regarding temperament - he's amazing with children...

I can’t believe he is a year old!  He is such a lovely dog. He is quite well known in my community here in Spain.  Going to be thoroughly spoilt today.

MarioHere are some pics of 'Pixie' and Bear hope you can send them to the breeder and let them know she is doing fine and happy in her new home. My Niece Emily was with us this weekend, she is training for the junior Olympics for horse riding. So Pixie got a chance to run around the stables, she seemed...

Hello!!!! Cana is the happiest dog in Mexico City :) She has a lovely family (mom, dad, sister Moka- a Labrador-) and 3 days ago, her human sister was born! She loves to run (like a rabbit), she is very funny and we love her so much! Happy birthday to our furry baby!

Janecke Rijs

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Belinda Karen Walker

Malaga, Spain

Paul & Adelle Murrer

Pacific Grove, United States

Carmen Trueba

Mexico City, Mexico