Anatolian Shepherd Raza

Perros Anatolian Shepherd en Venta

Anatolian Shepherd Descripción de la Raza

Expectativa de Vida
12-15 años
Grado de Aprendizaje
Tamaño de la Camada
5 to 10
Extra grande
Perros: 50-65 libras
Hembras: 40-55 libras
Perros: 74-81 pulgadas
Hembras: 71-79 pulgadas
País de Origen
Anatolian Shepherd

The Anatolian Shepherd boasts a commanding and imposing appearance, embodying strength and agility. Characterised by a well-muscled body, a broad head, and triangular ears, this breed exudes an air of alertness and determination. With a thick double coat designed for outdoor endurance, their fur ranges from short to rough and may come in various colours.

Anatolian Shepherd perro

Adult males typically stand between 74 to 81 centimetres at the shoulder, while females range from 71 to 79 centimetres. Weighing between 40 to 68 kilograms, these majestic canines exhibit a harmonious blend of size and proportion, reflecting their historical role as formidable livestock guardians in Anatolia.


Anatolian Shepherd perro

The Anatolian Shepherd possesses a distinctive and noble personality, characterised by unwavering loyalty and a strong protective instinct. This breed is calm, composed, and incredibly devoted to its family, making it an excellent guardian. Known for their independent nature, Anatolian Shepherds are self-assured and require consistent, patient training to harness their intelligence and innate skills effectively.

Anatolian Shepherd perro

While their independent streak can pose challenges in training, their remarkable loyalty and deep bonds with their owners make them highly trainable with the right approach. These majestic dogs exude confidence, resilience, and a gentle demeanour, showcasing an ideal blend of strength and companionship.


Anatolian Shepherd colores

The Anatolian Shepherd is known for its variety of coat colours, often reflecting the diversity within the breed. The accepted coat colours include fawn (with various shades ranging from light cream to a reddish hue), brindle (stripes of a darker colour on a fawn background), white, and pinto (large, random patches of colour on a predominantly white coat).


pelaje del Anatolian Shepherd

The Anatolian Shepherd boasts a moderate grooming regime, given its short and dense double coat. Regular brushing, particularly during shedding seasons, helps manage loose fur and maintain a healthy coat. Bathing should be done as needed, while routine checks of ears, eyes, and nails contribute to overall grooming upkeep.

Problemas de Saluds

Problemas de Salud

It’s sensitive to hip dysplasia, and chondrodysplasia (dwarfism). To help prevent the chance of hip dysplasia developing, make sure your dog is on a healthy, well-proportioned diet, and avoid excessive running and jumping while still a puppy as this can be hard on the developing joints. It is one of the breeds that is susceptible to a twisted stomach. To minimise the risk of your Anatolian Shepherd developing any hereditary health issues, you should buy an Anatolian Shepherd puppy from a reputable breeder.

Condiciones de Vida

This dog is not recommended for apartment life, it needs lots of space. It prefers cooler climates.

Living environment

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