White, cream, champagne, black, black and tan, blue, gold, chocolate, and tri-colored.
Bichón Habanero Descripción de la Raza
15-19 años
4 to 7
Perros: 8-13 libras
Hembras: 6-11 libras
Perros: 8-11 pulgadas
Hembras: 8-11 pulgadas
AKC Toy Dogs
FCI Group IX.: Companion and Toy Dogs
Bichon Havanais, Havana Silk Dog
The Havanese gives a rugged impression of a little dog, it is sturdy, and while a small breed, it is neither fragile nor overdone. This breed is related to the Bichon Frise. It is a happy, outgoing small dog; its temperament and trainability have made it an excellent candidate for obedience training.
The Havanese is a natural companion dog: gentle and responsive. This dog can be quite vocal, as it loves the sound of its own voice.
The Havanese is a very affectionate and playful dog with a high degree of intelligence. It is easy to obedience train; cheerful, very sociable and will get along with everyone including people, dogs, cats and other pets. It makes an excellent companion to children. This breed becomes very attached to its human family.
The Havanese lives for your every word and gesture. This breed has a long reputation of being a circus dog, probably because it learns quickly and enjoys doing things for people. This is curious dog, it cannot miss what is going on around it, and so you may find your dog sitting somewhere high. It is very sensitive to the tone of your voice; harsh words will only upset the dog and will achieve very little.
Havanese dogs tend to bark a lot; it is best to teach your dog not to bark unnecessarily while it is still young to prevent it from becoming a habit. It makes an excellent watchdog, though some dogs may exhibit a degree of shyness around strangers, but this is not characteristic of the breed. It should be neither timid nor aggressive; it shows no cowardice, in spite of its size. This playful little dog has an average demand for exercise.
Long, flat and soft, tufts towards extremities. For pets the coat can be clipped short for easier care; if the coat is to be kept long it needs to be thoroughly brushed and combed at least twice a week. Show dogs need a great deal more grooming. This breed is good for allergy sufferers. There is little to no shedding, so dead hair must be removed by brushing.
Problemas de Salud
This is a very healthy, long-lived breed, however, all long-lived breeds eventually have health problems, some are prone to PRA, cataracts, luxating patellas, poodle eye and dry skin. Regular vet checks can help with all these issues. To minimize the risk of your Havanese developing any hereditary health issues, you should buy a Havanese puppy from a reputable Havanese breeder.
Condiciones de Vida
The Havanese is good for apartment life; it is very active indoors and will do okay without a yard. It is born to live in your home, and loves to be around people, so it will not love to live in a patio or a kennel.
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