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Home / Puppies for Sale / Basset Hound
With Their Breeder, Waiting for You!
Hi Eddie,
These are a couple of photos from last night. I have lots of him running around but there from January and he is much smaller:) I will try to take some good ones of him not sleeping or lounging this week and will send it.
Have a good weekend!
Regards Petya,
Doha, Qatar
Petya & Jonathan D. Kines
Adele Zeelie
Charles Tatman
The Basset Hound is a short-legged dog, heavier in bone, size considered, than any other breed of dog. Its movement is humorous looking and slow, but not clumsy. The Basset Hound is essentially a hunting dog with strong natural instincts and will power. It makes a good family companion.