Trusted by Over 15 000 Families since 2001
With Their Breeder, Waiting for You!
Unfortunately we don’t have any Siberian Husky puppies available for sale right now. Please check again soon for new, beautiful Siberian Husky pups. But we can still help you to find your dream dog. Please complete the form below and you will be the first to know as soon as there are new Siberian Husky litters available.
Navneet Kumar Reddy
Abu DhabiUnited Arab Emirates
I wanted to give you an update on our Marmalade(now named Ocha) who we recieved in August. She is very happy with us and our cat. She arrived healthy and we’ve been reinforcing the work that the trainer did. She is becoming less timid. She likes walks to the dog park, snacks, and playing fetch with her duck toy.
I’ve attached a few pictures of Ocha. Please let the breeder, trainer, and folks at EuroPuppy that she is doing well and we are thankful for their services!
-Daniel Davidge
Daniel Davidge
Hello again! Just dropping in to say that Kiska is doing very well. I took her to the vet today and she weighs almost 16 pounds. She had a deworming vaccine, 2 other vaccines, and another rabies shot because Germany doesnt recognize the rabies vaccine if it was given to them younger than 12 weeks old.
She is amazing and she is so playful and energetic! We are still potty training her though. Using the Kennel method which we had to buy her a big one because she quickly outgrew the one she came with. She seems to be catching on quickly. I have attatched a few pictures of her.
Vilseck, Germany
Samantha & Mark Remiendo
Ahmad Bernieh
DubaiUnited Arab Emirates
The Siberian Husky is a strong, compact, working dog. This breed is a member of the Spitz family; it has the ability to haul heavy loads over long distances and rough terrain. In Siberia Chukchi people used this dog for centuries to pull sleds, herd reindeer and perform watchdogging functions. It was a perfect working dog for the harsh Siberian conditions: hardy, able to integrate into small packs, and quite happy to work for hours on end.