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Customer Reviews

Words from our Happy Dog Owners all over the World

Dear Shane, Thank you for your email, and we are so happy to have Alma in our Life. Here are a few pictures of her, and we had a special cake made for her birthday today. Alma is very sweet and always loves to snuggle in our laps. She enjoys going on hikes every day in the mountain behind where...

Hello Sandor, Just wanted to drop you a line and let you know how much I appreciate you sending us this wonderful Golden Retriever. "Montgomery" is his call name. He has adjusted to life here in the states wonderfully. He has caught the eye of many folks in our area, all saying what a beautiful pup he is. Thought I'd...

Hi! It is not as early as I said they would come but here are some pics of Buddy. We renamed him Bam Bam and he still is getting used to it. He is such sweet pup and loves to play with his new toy. He has been chasing me and my mom all over the house and garden. When...

Hi Steve! Just wanted to let you know that everything went well and Jett is happy to be with us and slept well almost all night. We are visiting the vet in a few hours. Thanks you guys for making this work out so easy for us. Regards Kristin & Javier


Hong Kong, Hong Kong

Jan Renee Grasso

Washington D.C., United States

Monalynn Pringle & Sebastiaan Wolters

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Kristin Elin Ulrika Bäck

Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates